Red Swordtail 5cm




The Swordtail is easy to care for has a peaceful temperament, and wonderfully diverse fin and colour varieties. The most common Swordtail varieties include: Red Wag, Red Tuxedo, Marigold, Berlin, Pineapple, and Neon Swordtail. The male Swordtail is especially prized for its namesake feature, the showy extension on the lower part of its tail resembling a sword.

The Swordtail requires an aquarium of at least 30 litres that is well planted with plenty of room for swimming. Because of its peaceful nature, the Swordtail is well suited for the community aquarium. However, the male Swordtail can demonstrate territorial aggression towards other male Swordtails so care should be taken when housing more than one male. Also, the Swordtail is an accomplished jumper, so be sure to provide a secure cover for the aquarium.

The Swordtail is a live-bearing fish related to freshwater aquarium favourites including guppies, mollies, and platys. As such, a female Swordtail can give birth to as many as 80 fry at one time. A breeder box or guppy trap is recommended, or if one is not available, provide dense floating cover to protect the Swordtail fry from potential predation by the adults. Unless it is your intention to breed Swordtails, the male Swordtail fry should be separated once the sex of the fry is determined. The Swordtail can begin breeding as young as three months of age and can quickly overpopulate an aquarium.

The Swordtail is an omnivore that will eat that will eat commercially prepared such as Hikari Micro Wafers, Hikari Micro Pellets, Sera Flora, Sera Flora, Sera Vipan as well as Hikari Frozen Bloodworms, Hikari Frozen Brineshrimp.